Friday, February 6, 2009


Have we not seen enough from the republican party this is chaos for America it
has to stop enough is enough are they wanting for the lynching to begin did they forget that they are elected officials

Monday, February 2, 2009

crisis at hand Unemployment

Its hard to believe that all these people are unemploy including myself but I got tell you. that the republican party is missing the boat again its a shame that they seem to blame everyone and not getting the picture and still have the odasity to blame constituents and other affairs on the local constituents that are trying to salvage what they can from the last administration but not organized enough to really save people that put them in office how dare them We voted them in the congress and the senate and now they want to snuff us like we dont count like its not important to them. they can be replace Wake up america do we really need to wake up where Russia is right now where they are taking it out on the streets.

Well now that almost half the world is unemployed how long is this going to last do we have to have riots in the streets like russia is doing now before all this greety bastards quit hurting the middle class and people that are trying to depend on themselves to get a leg up keep by kicking them down instead of giving them a hand up. God is watching you. the money game is over, get it currencies doesnt mean anything till we get back to basics Morals, helping one another,prayers for every one and understanding, help the poor this has been a run away train for many decades and not one person is saved from chaos until we go back to basics understanding of one another how can people be so cruel knowing that your on the edge and worry! How dare you judge me and others that are in the same boat as I am. its August 2010 the housing market is all twisted up and wall street is not helping main street. Pakistan is 20% underwater. greece is completely bankrupt and Iran started its first nuclear reactor last saturday. Israel is going to have talks with Palestine but no guarantees ? that ought to tell you how screwed up this world really is.
Our politicians are a bunch of crooks the city of Bell ript off 1.5 million dollars from the comunity so that they can pay themselves off. Not to mention that one of them lives in another township. Victorville, ca is been investigated for 480 million dollars going to indict at least mayor. where are the jobs no signs of jobs. The inland empire unemployment its 15.6 % I think its higher more like 18% where is the recovery that was promise the people that have been laid off or underemployed known as the 99'ers are losing their patience are you politicians waiting for the riots and looting. or are you waiting for them to start burning down local city halls because you failed the people of the United States of America