Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Fracking? "WTH" is that?

What it is? A form of drilling for natural gas. that is dangerous to all water supplies and wells which include water tables in the ground. In order for the gas companies to drill faster they pump some chemicals in the ground as they are drilling into the soil to speed up the process. What they didnt tell you that it poisons water wells and water tables in the region which in the process kill the fish in the nearby streams and rivers as well. It also forces the water to be flameable right out of the faucet in your home. Fracking is not answer and the EPA and the Bureau of land management should look into these practices of fraking Where are the watchdog and enviromental groups on these issues? this has been going on for the past decade and half and no one has bother to mention it. President Bush sign an order to relax the drilling of natural gas
so that companies like Halliburton and a few others could speed up the process. on Fraking for Natural gas(Destroys water reserves and water Tables that are underground by poisoning them and make it unsafe to drink) There is safer methods to bring up natural gas. So if Fracking is coming to your neighborhood beware of what your city counsel and mayor are up to and informed them of Fracking.

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