analyses of the economy United States vs South America
As you can see both countries are in this packet and an you will see my concerns about the economy in the United States and if you take South America as 1 nation without considering the currency differences per dollar value
but from the information as two nations it too will scare you.
South America United States
Population 390.200,000 Population 310,000,000
Poverty level 17% Poverty level 14.4%
Unemployment average 9.9% Unemployment average 9.6%
Labor force 193.6 Labor force 154.5
Annual growth 1.6% Annual Growth 2.4%
External debt 100,300 Billion of 1.3 GDP External debt 14 Trillion or 13.88 of GDP
National Income Gross (NIG)62,880,000 National Income Gross NIG)9.780,000,000,000
The United States is largest and the first country in the world that the economy is the largest by far. the examples of South America. The economy is from 12 countries which includes Argentina,Chile,Uruguay,Venenzuela,Brazil,Colombia,Suriname, Peru, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Bolivia.if you combine all off the twelve nations in South America that are listed versus the United States line for line it shows that economy is not growing and north america or south america all economist can not agreed on the reality of what is in the future and yet they wont have a discussion of what is happening in our world until we have an honest discussion of the economy in the US. and fix the problems with housing and urban development. I have said all along that until housing drops its value 32% below of what it was in 2007 values it will cause chaos and misinformation of the reality of the economy.
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